Reduce Junk Mail? Yes you can!
Reduce Junk Mail? Yes you can!
I love weeding junk mail. Similar to gardening, it’s pretty clear what to eliminate. And removing weedy mail takes just a few steps. These easy decisions and simple actions reap pleasing rewards.
In the spirit of taking small steps towards larger goals, I’m breaking this topic into two parts. This week, one action that yields long-term results. Here’s how:
Register for the Association of National Advertiser's opt-out service -- $4 online/ $5 by mail -- it’s good for ten years. The ANA adds your name to their Opt-Out file, which they distribute monthly to subscribing companies. Be sure to include your prior addresses! Just below your address, click on +Add another address Your mail flow should decrease within three months.
More helpful services the ANA offers:
- You can remove deceased contacts for free.
- There’s an Opt-Out for Caregivers, family members and friends.
- There’s also an Email Opt-Out Service for everyone.
- And for Pennsylvania and Wyoming, a Phone Opt-Out service.
Opt out of Prescreened Credit & Insurance Offers with I did it in less than a minute. The form asks for your social security number, but it isn’t required. If you prefer, you can reach OptOutPrescreen by phone. Call 1-888-567-8688. This Opt-out request is good for 5 years. A permanent opt-out option is also available if you’re willing to mail in a form.
Let me know how it goes and please reach out if you have any trouble at all! 707-234-5281
Stay tuned for Part 2!
Hand-in-field Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash