• Motivation Circle

    Invest 2 hours to make powerful transformative progress!

    Catch up on paperwork, clear clutter, tidy up

    with my support and guidance

    plus the inspiration of companionship

    to energize you and spur you on!


    It’s going to be fun. It’s going to be private -- just 6 people!

    A small but mighty commitment!

    $30 / per session


    "As much as I think I should be able to work on it on my own, I also acknowledge that I don't."

    ~Motivation Circle participant

    This is for you if:

    • paper piles, mending or space management projects are calling your attention, bugging you, distracting you
    • you want support and a little guidance for creating or maintaining order
    • accountability and companionship would help you get going
    • you’d like support for making progress between sessions with me

    It’s not:

    • a substitute for one-on-one sessions
    • one-on-one guidance and attention - let’s schedule a session! See my blog about how effective remote organizing can be.